Цепные пилы
Цепная пила - используется для резки материалов в тяжелых условиях круглосуточной эксплуатации 7 дней в неделю в такой промышленности, как машиностроение или деревообрабатывающее производство; пилу также можно использовать в потенциально
The Use of the DEPRAG INDUSTRIAL Tools
Our robust chain saws are well suited for a 24/7 operation in both industrial- and manual operations, such as machine building, the wood-fabricating industry and even for the use in potentially explosive environments (mining). A high cutting of different materials, expecially metals and plastics.
Advantages of our Chain Saws
- High cutting power
High power output + high cutting speed = short working time. High cutting power also in pits at a lower air-pressure 0,4 MPa / 58 psi.
- All-metal design
All-metal chain saw primarily for use in potentially explosion hazardous environments (mining). The machine construction is fully made from metal. There is no ignition danger through contact of the light-metal with corrosive steel surfaces.
- With integrated safety chain brake
We gave special attention to the operational safety of those air-tools. The saws have an integrated chain-brake, that avoids injury to the operator when the saw stalls.. This brake stops the chain within 0.2 seconds.
- Automatic chain lubrication
Our chain saw has an automatic chain lubrication - for the highest chain lifespan.
- Highly durable
Our chain saws guarantee a reliable operation in industrial areas with 24/7 operations.
- ATEX-compliant
Our ATEX-compliant air saw conforms to the highest requirements for tools used in potentially explosion hazardous environments in accordance with norm IM2cXIIGcIIBT4 (130°C) X.
- With integrated hand-safety
- Possible motor speed regulation by lever

- Sound pressure level Lpa podle ČSN EN ISO 11 201 102 dB(A)
- Максимальная мощность 1500 вт
- максимальная длина направляющей планки цепи 350 мм
- Масса 7,6 кг